How to Store Ansible Vault Password

There are several ways to pass the Ansible Vault password. classic CLI prompt which requires manual intervention password file which should be stored somewhere accessible to the Ansible environment variable Today I will tell about my latest approach. I am using tool called Direnv which loads and unloads different environment variables when you enter the directory. Direnv uses .envrc files to read the variables from. Typically, this file should be in your ....

2024 Mar 27 · Dzintars

2024 Mar 25

Looks like my little starter blog is working. At least there is some activity around it. After all the things I went back to rewriting my infra components to Podman Quadlets 1 by utilizing Ansible. I think, I figured out general pattern. Yet, I’m not quite happy how do I handle network creation. I need to encapsulate it into single generic role instead writing the same network role in every collection....

2024 Mar 25 · Dzintars