How to Deploy Rootless HAProxy as Podman Quadlet

This post is raw. No grammar is checked. When doing local development or just tinkering with this or that, quite often you want to expose something to the Internet. When it’s just single “something”, then you can just forward your port 80 from router, to your machine’s “something” port. But this falls appart if you have two “something” you want to expose to the Internet. You can’t forward single 80 port from your router to two different applications running on your machine....

2024 Sep 03 · Dzintars

2024 Jul 28

Establishing PHP dev and pod environments Still continuing my 2024-jul-13 journey. Because there are no any Dev/Prod enviroment whatsoever… I need to create one. At the same time I have no experience with PHP runtimes and need to learn a bit about it. At this day, I managed to create working containerized Nginx, PHP-FPM and MariaDB workload to run PHP applications. I used Ansible roles/playbooks and Podman Quadlets (Systemd units) for the container management as they don’t need Kubernetes for sure....

2024 Jul 28 · Dzintars