My Note Taking System

Why For a long time I didn’t care about the note taking too much, thou, I was writing long MS Word documents with the ideas of the project, user stories and other things. It all changed when I switched to the Linux. Because Linux was pretty much new to me, I had a lot to learn and remember. So, gradually I started to write my little runbooks to document the steps I took to get to the point B....

2024 Feb 24 · Dzintars

My CLI Centric Workflow

For a very long time I was Windows only user. Nor did I liked it, nor did I hated it. I just was somewhat above average user. But it all ended when I started to work with Go and Kafka Go library which I needed to cross-compile for an Linux system. And it was pain. CygWin, MinGW an a lot of gymnastics around it. In parallel I was trying to be in the “microservices” hype train....

2024 Feb 21 · Dzintars