My Personal Productivity Environment

This post is a public draft, which may or may not be completed. As new thoughts come to mind, I may improve this article over time. PC Monitor setup I’ve been everywhere. From a single tiny 15" laptop to 4 screens + TV. But currently I’m at two monitor setup and even seriously considering one 32" 4K monitor setup. The thing about the multi-monitor setup is that it is misleading feeling about boosted productivity, because you “control” more things at once....

2024 Feb 21 · Dzintars


So, I am Dzintars Klavins. A guy from Riga / Latvia / Europe. Wannabe full-stack software engineer. 😃 According Myers-Briggs personality test 1 result - INFJ-T (Advocate). Yes, I think, in general, all people can be categorized in several categories. :) How did I ended up there? Since 2007 I am more or less close to software engineering. From 2007 to 2011 I was a product owner for in-house intranet for local postal and courier company....

2024 Feb 15 · 4 min · 820 words · Me