2024 Jul 13

Migrating old databases Currently mostly busy with modernizing 15 years old infrastructure of some customer. Old and huge MySQL databses. No foreign keys. No timestamps. It’s all pretty convoluted. Many VM’s running directly on KVM without libvirt abstraction. Failing hard drives. Old PHP. And the overaly of many “big brain” sysadmins. But at least, I gained full access to the most of the resources, restored passwords, established secure remote access, etc....

2024 Jul 13 · Dzintars

My Personal Productivity Environment

This post is a public draft, which may or may not be completed. As new thoughts come to mind, I may improve this article over time. PC Monitor setup I’ve been everywhere. From a single tiny 15" laptop to 4 screens + TV. But currently I’m at two monitor setup and even seriously considering one 32" 4K monitor setup. The thing about the multi-monitor setup is that it is misleading feeling about boosted productivity, because you “control” more things at once....

2024 Feb 21 · Dzintars