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There are several ways to pass the Ansible Vault password.

  • classic CLI prompt which requires manual intervention
  • password file which should be stored somewhere accessible to the Ansible
  • environment variable

Today I will tell about my latest approach.

I am using tool called Direnv which loads and unloads different environment variables when you enter the directory.

Direnv uses .envrc files to read the variables from.

Typically, this file should be in your .gitignore so that you don’t leak any secrets.

But I went a little bit further and am exposing all of my environment variables.

For that to be secure, I am using KeePassXC for secret management. My secrets databases, besides the master password are also protected with YubiKey.

And I have exposed one specific directory for the Secret Service Integration. Within that directory lives the development secrets which I want to expose for the Linux secret service.

This gives me opportunity to do things like this:

export DOCKER_IO_PASS=$(secret-tool lookup Title docker-io-pass)

secret-tool is part of the libsecrets library. In this case docker-io-pass is the actual title of the secret in the KeePassXC database.

Once I enter into particular directory, direnv will execute this command and retrieve the actual secrets from the KeePassXC. So… no secrets are living in a plain text on my workstation.

So… given such possibilities, I have simple ansible.cfg directive:

vault_password_file = ./scripts/

And it contains just a simple Python script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os

passwd='secret-tool lookup ansible-vault project-password'

ansible-vault is additional attribute name for particular KeePassXC secret, and project-password is the value of that attribute. So… secret-tool is “looking up” for the secret by the attribute name and its value. Not by the title, path or something else.

You can also do things like this:

passwd='keepassxc-cli show -q -s -a password /path/to/vault.kdbx -y 2:12345678 /Path/To/Anible_Vault_Entry'

In this example, you can even specify ID of your YubiKey in case if you have many of them. And we are using keepassxc-cli tool there which have some nice QoL (Quality of Life) options.

Overall, I am using secret-tool and keepassxc-cli everywhere, where I need to create or retrieve secrets dynamically. For example, you can use it to generate Hashicorp Vault administrator password at HC Vault provisioning stage.

This approach works great if you are working on your own projects. It can be used in CI/CD setting as well, but requires some additional planning. Also… it is possible to adopt it for the team work as it is possible to use KeePassXC to share the sectrets between KeePassXC instances, but… there might be some better tools for that.