2024 Jul 13

Migrating old databases Currently mostly busy with modernizing 15 years old infrastructure of some customer. Old and huge MySQL databses. No foreign keys. No timestamps. It’s all pretty convoluted. Many VM’s running directly on KVM without libvirt abstraction. Failing hard drives. Old PHP. And the overaly of many “big brain” sysadmins. But at least, I gained full access to the most of the resources, restored passwords, established secure remote access, etc....

2024 Jul 13 · Dzintars

How to Store Ansible Vault Password

There are several ways to pass the Ansible Vault password. classic CLI prompt which requires manual intervention password file which should be stored somewhere accessible to the Ansible environment variable Today I will tell about my latest approach. I am using tool called Direnv which loads and unloads different environment variables when you enter the directory. Direnv uses .envrc files to read the variables from. Typically, this file should be in your ....

2024 Mar 27 · Dzintars

2024 Mar 25

Looks like my little starter blog is working. At least there is some activity around it. After all the things I went back to rewriting my infra components to Podman Quadlets 1 by utilizing Ansible. I think, I figured out general pattern. Yet, I’m not quite happy how do I handle network creation. I need to encapsulate it into single generic role instead writing the same network role in every collection....

2024 Mar 25 · Dzintars

NixOS vs Ansible

My opinion on this is still not stable or true and I might change my mind later when I will really try NixOS. I see the constant hype around the NixOS and one of the main selling points is its reproducibility. Under the Ansible, you configure only whats in your playbooks. And it’s easy to mess around the system bypassing the Ansible. In NixOS that’s not the case. If you make any add-hock changes on NixOS and then run nixos-rebuild all your crafted changes will be gone because they are not in your NixOS config....

2024 Feb 28 · Dzintars

My Note Taking System

Why For a long time I didn’t care about the note taking too much, thou, I was writing long MS Word documents with the ideas of the project, user stories and other things. It all changed when I switched to the Linux. Because Linux was pretty much new to me, I had a lot to learn and remember. So, gradually I started to write my little runbooks to document the steps I took to get to the point B....

2024 Feb 24 · Dzintars

How to Integrate Google Analytics Into Hugo PaperMod Theme

As I’m setting up my shiny new blog, I stuck at Google Analytics integration. It looks like official PaperMod lacks some documentation on this topic. So… there is what worked for me. Don’t use analytics.google.SiteVerificationTag directive. Use only googleAnalytics: G-xxxxxxx directive. Create new file in layouts/_internal/google_analytics.html and paste the entire code snippet you got from GA property setup page. Basically that’s it. This partial will be automatically included in the every Hugo page....

2024 Feb 22 · Dzintars

My CLI Centric Workflow

For a very long time I was Windows only user. Nor did I liked it, nor did I hated it. I just was somewhat above average user. But it all ended when I started to work with Go and Kafka Go library which I needed to cross-compile for an Linux system. And it was pain. CygWin, MinGW an a lot of gymnastics around it. In parallel I was trying to be in the “microservices” hype train....

2024 Feb 21 · Dzintars

Websockets and Kafka

Why I had this idea about the highly reactive collaborative web application. After messing around I ended up with PoC which consisted of bunch of Go services and on top of that I somewhat implemented CQRS architecture. How front wss srp General idea was that websocket is used as protocol. Custom message format is created and synchronized between TypeScript and Go with help of Protocol Buffers, gRPC and few gRPC extensions....

2024 Feb 21 · Dzintars

2024 Feb 21

Tinkering with my Hugo blog I’m still not sure what will I do with it, but… at least this will be done. I picked Hugo as it seems simple enough for my current needs. Just drop some markdown and you are done. Sounds good. I don’t even plan to customize default theme for now as typography looks good, theme is supported. Like… there is everything I need. Most important goal for me is to start accumulate some content....

2024 Feb 21 · Dzintars

My Personal Productivity Environment

This post is a public draft, which may or may not be completed. As new thoughts come to mind, I may improve this article over time. PC Monitor setup I’ve been everywhere. From a single tiny 15" laptop to 4 screens + TV. But currently I’m at two monitor setup and even seriously considering one 32" 4K monitor setup. The thing about the multi-monitor setup is that it is misleading feeling about boosted productivity, because you “control” more things at once....

2024 Feb 21 · Dzintars