How to Deploy Rootless HAProxy as Podman Quadlet

This post is raw. No grammar is checked. When doing local development or just tinkering with this or that, quite often you want to expose something to the Internet. When it’s just single “something”, then you can just forward your port 80 from router, to your machine’s “something” port. But this falls appart if you have two “something” you want to expose to the Internet. You can’t forward single 80 port from your router to two different applications running on your machine....

2024 Sep 03 · Dzintars

How to Integrate Flyway Into Linux Desktop Environment

Today I decided to ditch Flyway Desktop execution from CLI and integrate into my Sway + Wofi desktop environment. Basically, there is what you need: Get an Flyway icon and paste it into flyway.svg file Copy that SVG file into $HOME/.local/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/flyway.svg Change the color for the icon by adding fill="#CC0200" to the path Create an $HOME/.local/share/applications/flyway.desktop file with the content like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [Desktop Entry] Version=1....

2024 Aug 05 · Dzintars

How to Store Ansible Vault Password

There are several ways to pass the Ansible Vault password. classic CLI prompt which requires manual intervention password file which should be stored somewhere accessible to the Ansible environment variable Today I will tell about my latest approach. I am using tool called Direnv which loads and unloads different environment variables when you enter the directory. Direnv uses .envrc files to read the variables from. Typically, this file should be in your ....

2024 Mar 27 · Dzintars

How to Integrate Google Analytics Into Hugo PaperMod Theme

As I’m setting up my shiny new blog, I stuck at Google Analytics integration. It looks like official PaperMod lacks some documentation on this topic. So… there is what worked for me. Don’t use directive. Use only googleAnalytics: G-xxxxxxx directive. Create new file in layouts/_internal/google_analytics.html and paste the entire code snippet you got from GA property setup page. Basically that’s it. This partial will be automatically included in the every Hugo page....

2024 Feb 22 · Dzintars